February 2020

The Various Types Of The Best Fighting Cocks The Various Types Of The Best Fighting Cocks

Discussion About The Various Types Of The Best Fighting Cocks Culture for cockfighting is an ancestral culture in Indonesia, many of our ancestors have practiced this tradition from time immemorial.

Having a guang chicken that gaco can be a special satisfaction, especially if you maintain the chicken from the ingredients and you train it to be extraordinarily strong chicken.

Unfortunately there are still many players who use these fighting chickens as a means of gambling, in Indonesia alone cockfighting or chicken gambling is included in the crime.

Currently the most popular Aduan chicken is the Bangkok Chicken, but in fact many other types of Aduan chicken are no less popular.

Their uniqueness and ability is no less than Bangkok’s Chicken. Most come from Asian countries such as Thailand, Burma, Brazil, Vietnam and Japan. Following below, we will discuss the various types of the best fighting cocks :

Bangkok Chicken
Occupying the first position of other types of chickens Complaints are Bangkok chickens originating from Thailand. First introduced by many cockfighting players in Tuban, East Java. Yep, this chicken is the most familiar in the ears of the Indonesian people, especially among fans of the Chicken Aduan.

Bangkok chicken is not like other chickens, the spread of chickens is very fast, in Indonesia it is very easy to find a Bangkok chicken. In addition, the price of bangkok chicken is not too high like other types of grievances except for bangkok jawara or have achievements, the price of bangkok jawara chicken is higher than usual.

Brazilian Chicken
As the name implies, this chicken originated from Brazil, its popularity is quite high. This chicken is one of the descendants of Shamo chickens originating from Japan, then with time the chicken was then bred in the South American Archipelago.

Bangkok Chicken is known as a true complaint, not only fast and strong on the fighting arena, Bangkok chicken is also considered the most brain or smartest chicken when in the battle arena in terms of finding effective ways to knock down opponents.

This chicken has a distinctive feather color that is yellowish brown. From the shape of the chicken posture is almost the same as a pelung chicken that has a big tall body.

This type of Brazilian chicken is famous for its agile and intelligent fighting style. Chicken lovers in Indonesia are willing to spend money to have Brazilian chickens. Not only good at dancing on the cockfighting arena, but also good at flinging opponents with an unexpected blow speed.

Burmese Chicken
Burmese chicken or Burmese chicken is a type of complaint chicken originating from Myanmar. Also known as a true complaint chicken that does not know fear. When fighting, the Burmese Chicken have an extraordinary passion to win the fight. Has a fighting style that is so offensive and Full Attack, attacking and attacking directly at the opponent.

His Full Attack fighting style is accompanied by a high accuracy of punch which makes this chicken a Full Speed ​​chicken. However, the shape and size of a small Burmese chicken 2 -2.5 kg, the bones are also small and thin. It’s incomplete if you don’t have a rooster from Brazil as one of the valuable collections.

Bulging eyes, smaller beak, less muscular face and body. Fur color is generally the color of undercooked maturity. Body more feathers, thick and long wing feathers. 100% authentic Burmese chickens still have white markings on their ears, as proof that these chickens are wild chickens.

Also Read : The Best Way To Train Bangkok Fighters

Chicken Shamo
Chicken Shamo originates from Japan, also known by the nickname “Mini Ninja from Japan”. So called because the shamo chicken is known as a fast moving chicken and has an extremely accurate punch about its opponent and deadly.

Although in the nickname of the Ninja Mini, don’t be fooled, compared to other grievances, Shamo’s most athletic physical form, a tall, well-built posture can hold up to 95 degrees when standing.

Not infrequently these chickens are able to have a weight of 4-7 kg, making it Complaints with the heaviest posture and can only be matched with chickens of the same size.

Physical characteristics: have a triple comb (walnutcomb), bright eyes, large beak and strong. The wing tips are slightly out of the body, the wing joints are clearly pointing upward, the muscular thighs are strong and clearly visible.

Bulging shoulders and short strong wings pointing down. Red skin on the chest that does not have much hair and has a broad chest.

Horizontal tail line, in the direction of the back or between the back lines. The color of the calf hair is yellow or yellow with black patches for chickens with black domination. Weight of male chickens around 5.6 kg and females around 4.8 kg.

Balinese Chicken
Balinese chicken is also known as Olagan chicken. This chicken comes from the island of Bali. The male can be raised to be used as a fighting cock.

Whereas hens can be used as egg producers with high egg production. According to information, this Balinese chicken male is less formidable in complaints, often if he has been hit by an opponent he often evades as he will run away.

But the blow is not inferior to fighting chickens like Bangkok chicken and Burma chicken. The advantage of Balinese / Olagan chickens is that they are more resistant to disease than native chickens.

For now the Bali chicken population is reported to continue to decline this is due to Balinese citizens not using it for use in offering ceremonies, so it is rarely maintained.

Ciparage Chicken
Ciparage chicken is a native Indonesian Aduan chicken which originates from the Cimalaya village, Ciparage Karawang, it is said that this chicken is a breed of chicken from the Duke of Singapore that is usually made by Aduan chickens in the 17th century kingdom.

However, this chicken has been very difficult to find or endangered, as a result the Rooster chickens that developed in Indonesia were replaced with Bangkok chickens from Thailand.

The original color of this type of chicken is not much different from Bangkok chicken consisting of yellow (golden), black, brown, white.

Formerly this type of chicken is famous as a tough chicken in the arena of complaint. High posture, slender with strong legs and spikes sticking out pointed, awkward knock down the opponent in a relatively short time.

Characteristics of Ciparage chickens: Body size is smaller than Bangkok chicken weighing around 2.5 kg. Single comb, blades, small, pale red jagged. Pair of wattles and small ear lobes with a pale red color too. Round head. The eyes protruded slightly, sharp fiery.

Short beak, sturdy, pale yellow color. Chest field with short and hard body hair. Strong wing bones, stick tight to the body. Curved long tail feathers. Feet slightly curved, yellowish white.

Pale yellow soles. Large long, curved spurs, sharp yellowish white. Its very aggressive. Produces eggs 10-14 eggs per period.

The Best Way To Train Bangkok Fighters The Best Way To Train Bangkok Fighters

Discussion About The Best Way To Train Bangkok Fighters To Make the Bangkok Chicken the Perfect Hero, the time and patience are the priority in caring for the fighting chickens such as bangkok chickens. The owner must train first on a regular basis, the same as his case with a boxer before he is really ready to get into the ring. The training is intended to make the champion strong, agile and more athletic in posture.

Bangkok chicken maintenance requires extra attention, namely physical exercise. The physical training of the true athlete’s body is aimed at knowing how tough our roosters are. The state of the body that is always fit, makes the champion ready for combat at any time. Initial Training, enter your champion chicken into the training center when your champion chicken shows the part of maturity.

For example, when you want to get close with the opposite sex. That period usually occurs at the age of 8-9 months. This is the right time to multiply the prospective hero. It means that he must be put in his own cage which is separate from other chickens. In the morning for two hours (8-9 hours) he is exposed to the warm sun. Young hero in the sun this morning should not wander around looking for food alone, especially looking for females. So he must be confined in the middle of the page. Then in the afternoon the hero is removed from the cage, and given a little freedom to move in a closed yard. Freedom that is only two hours, the hero must not be accompanied or at the same time with other chickens, especially females. Following below, we will directly discuss some guidelines for the best way to train Bangkok fighters :

• The initial stage is drying.
In the initial stage, the rooster is quite light training. This is because at that age the feathers are smooth, especially the feathers on the neck and tail. If you are pumped with a rather heavy training position, it is worried that it will be in pain and the fur is damaged. But not only in the sun, then there is a lack of additional strength of the body precisely by drying the breathing strength of the heart work better and the body becomes athletic and full. The Best Way to Train a Bangkok Chicken Fighter

Before drying the chicken, it must be bathed first. This wet body tries to dry itself by drying up water vaporization. This energy comes from carbohydrates as well as fat reserves that are behind the skin. That way the drying process will encourage roosters to reduce their fat content, of course the body is slim athletically.

During the sun, the body and feathers slowly dry. This is draining extra energy. Therefore, do not feel strange if the chicken is often gasping for air like running away. Wheezing breath means his efforts to enter oxygen, breathing exercises to remove fat to replace the energy lost during the sun. then by indirect drying we have trained and added strength to our heroes.

• The next level of practice is to ramble.
hold the base of the tail, and lift the chicken up high, so that the head is hanging down. Treated like this, Sijago will flap his wings and struggle to move his legs. Let this happen for a minute or two. Then the chicken is lowered and let it rest for a while. If necessary, and the condition of his body allows, the exercise can be repeated several times interspersed with rest. Chickens began to be given motion exercises, although they were still limited to wing and leg movements. But this exercise will produce double results. In addition to training the strength of the legs and wings also trained breathing. Chickens for chickens usually in the afternoon, because in the morning it has been dried in the sun. Before practice begins, the chicken also needs to be swaddled again, given enough food, and released for a while. An hour later the practice of striking may begin.

Simple and practical training to train your big cock, if you want to do extra training, it is permissible, but don’t let your hero get tired and cause pain and fatigue. The Best Way to Train a Bangkok Chicken Fighter

The Adunan Rooster you have will certainly not have a long breath if it has never been given special training. This of course will also result in the possibility of difficulty in being able to become a champion chicken who always handles in every battle field, predictably there might not be.

Long chicken breath is the initial capital of strong stamina for fighting chickens to be able to give their best performance on every game journey. Without a long breath, the chicken will get tired easily. He will only fight beautifully at the beginning of the fight, and stumbled catching the opponent’s punch at the end of the game so that it will lose easily without resistance.

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• Train Bangkok’s Chicken Breath
Realizing that long breathing is the main capital for champion chickens, so on this occasion we will share our experience of 4 Ways to Practice Fighting Rooster Breath for Long Lasting.

We have proven these exercises and are more effective when applied in conjunction with the provision of bangkok chicken herbs for long breaths whose recipes we have discussed in the previous article. Well, here we go straight to discuss one by one how to train the breath of Bangkok chicken!

➢ 1. Running Exercise
The first way that can be done to train Bangkok chicken breath so long is to provide running training. Routine running exercises are very effective in building stamina as well as the breath of our fighting chickens.

This exercise is done with the help of untulan chicken. The trick is that Untul’s chickens are taken running to lure chickens who are trained to fight. After the trained chicken is brave, the untul chicken is pulled back so that the trained chicken is chasing it. The trainer may carry the chicken to run to be chased by the chicken to be trained. However, trainers must be careful not to get hit by pecks or punches from trained chickens.

We often experience, because they are too emotional due to not being able to touch untul hens as anglers, trained chickens also vent their emotions to the trainer. Usually the feet of people who carry untul will be beaten and beaten repeatedly.

➢ 2. Cliter
To facilitate running practice, we can also implement exercises that Javanese people usually call cliter. A kliter is a way to make a chicken run around a double cage in which it is fed with chicken. Chickens placed inside a cage can be pigeons or baboons, male chicks, or can be a candidate who is in the process of training.

Besides functioning to strengthen breathing, this exercise is also beneficial to strengthen leg muscles, courage, and enthusiasm. This cliter training can be passed by chickens between 1-2 hours every day.

➢ 3. Fight in the hot sun
Fighting exercises in the hot sun can also train chicken breathing. This is due to training in a rather extreme environment that will strengthen chicken stamina. If the breath is good when fighting in the hot sun, then the chicken will not be surprised when diikuntukan to the arena of action. His breathing will be good so that he won’t be wheezing while fighting.

Long exercise in the hot sun is about 15 minutes which is done once a week. Fighting is done with experienced chickens or other chickens who are also in the training process. However, if the chicken used is a spurred chicken, the spices should be wrapped so as not to hurt each other.

Before putting it in the sun, the chicken needs to be fed one handful of white rice, then it is bathed. After wiping, the two chickens are placed. Finished tossed, the chicken was bathed again and dried.

➢ 4. Swimming
Swimming training in chickens is actually more aimed at making chickens have a balance of muscles throughout their body. Nevertheless, in addition to these goals swimming training also provides several benefits. One of them is making chicken breath longer.

Swimming makes the chicken always try to regulate his breath so it is not easily sluggish and can move his body so it does not sink. If swimming exercises are done routinely 2 times a week, there will be many benefits that you can get.

Effective Tips On Playing Online Sicbo Casino Serverbola Effective Tips On Playing Online Sicbo Casino Serverbola

Discussion About Effective Tips On Playing Online Sicbo Casino Serverbola For those of you online gambling players, of course you have heard of Sicbo dice online gambling. Sicbo gambling itself is one type of gambling game that can now be played online and has even been increasingly popular. Not a few also consider that Sicbo is an online gambling game that relies on the luck of the players, so it is very simple and easy to play.

Sicbo online gambling game can give you the excitement of playing easily, because you don’t need to use strategies and tricks to win this online gambling game. So, you can sit quietly, and do not need to bother to win this online gambling game. It doesn’t take long for you to master online gambling on this one.

Although in this game gambling gambling uses dice and relies heavily on luck in the game, but there are also things you might be able to do to help your victory, or at least give you more luck on each churn. The following below, we just discuss some of the guidelines for effective tips on playing online sicbo casino Serverbola :

Apply This Trick To Place A Favorable Betting in Sicbo Gambling
In online sicbo gambling you can place various types of bets for numbers from the 3 dice that come out. You can bet for odd or even numbers that come out, big or small numbers that come out, or if you feel lucky then you can bet your money on one specific number for maximum betting profit, that is if you are pressed or feel lucky.

The less likely you are to get that number, then according to the rules then if you win the bet then you will win more. But don’t be too tempted by how much profit you can make, because it will be very difficult for you to be able to guess with a very small presentation on your dice.

If you want to play safely on Sicbo online, you can place bets on an even number or even large and small numbers. But if you are desperate to play risky bets, then try to place on one number consistently. For example, you continue to put on the number 15 until the number comes out, and do not replace it with another number, before the calculation becomes loss.

Before You Play Sicbo, You Need To Know The Following Information
In terms of the game, online gambling gambling is very dependent on the luck of each player. So even though you have applied this trick, and used whatever powerful strategy it is, it still cannot guarantee that you can continue to win here. With this trick, you can at least increase your chances of being able to win a lot in this online gambling game.

If you feel unlucky, and always get an unexpected number of dice, try to change seats at the online gambling gambling table, or pause. Do not over-force your luck in this game, because if you are too pushy and greedy, you will only have a large loss many times.

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Sicbo is the most famous online casino game in Macao since 2002, where the game uses three dice that are shaken simultaneously and players are only asked to guess the outcome of the dice. For this game pattern is quite varied.

Sicbo games can now be played online through online gambling sites, so you no longer need to travel to Macao or casinos in various countries. Because the game system is Real, which is now known as Live Casino Online.

Single Dice Column
This bet type is a bet for a single dice which starts from number 1 to 6. Payout: 1 to 1 (Your bet will be paid for your initial bet)

Example: You put dice 1, dice 3 and dice 4 for 100 each. If the dice are 1, 3, and 5, then you win 200 (100 of dice 1 and 100 of dice 3).

Another example: If you put dice 1 for 100, and the dice that comes out are 1, 1, 3. Then you win 200 because dice 1 appears 2x.

2 Dice Combination Column
This bet type is a combination of 2 dice that may come out of 3 dice. Payout: 5 to 1 (Your bet will be paid 5 times the original bet)

Example: You put a 2 & 3 combination of 100. If the dice that comes out are 2, 3, and 5, then you win by 500 (5x fold).

Another example: You place a combination of 1 & 2 and 2 & 3 for 100 each. If the dice that comes out are 1, 2, and 3, then you have the right to win 1000 (500 for each bet).

Single Number Column
This bet type is a bet to guess the total number of numbers on 3 dice. Payout: Payout bets for Single Numbers vary from 6x to 50x depending on the number chosen. Payout is listed at the bottom of the number provided (see Point C in the picture)

Example: You put a Single Number 10 of 100. If the dice that comes out is 1.3,6 (total 10) then you are entitled to win by 600 (payout 6 to 1 or 6 times fold)

Another example: You put a Single Number 17 of 100. If the dice that comes out is 5,6,6 (total 17) then you are entitled to win by 5,000 (payout 50 to 1 or 50x fold)

Small / Big column
This bet type is a bet to guess whether Total Dices are in the small or large category. Small = 4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Big = 11-12-13-14-15-16-17 Payout: 1 to 1 (Your bet will be paid for your initial bet)

Example: You place Small or Small for 100. The dice that comes out is 1-3-4 (total 8), then you win by 100 too (payout 1 to 1).

Column 2 Twin Numbers
This bet type is a bet to place 2 twin numbers that may appear on 3 dice. Payout: 8 to 1 (Your bet will be paid 8x times your initial bet)

Example: You put twin number 1 for 100. If the dice that comes out is 1,1,5, then you win by 800 (payout 8 to 1).
Column 3 twin numbers

This bet type is a bet to place 3 twin numbers that may appear on 3 dice. Payout: 150 to 1 (Your bet will be paid 150 times the original bet)

Example: You put 3 twins as big as 100. If the dice that comes out is 3,3,3, then you win by 15000 (payout 150 to 1).

Insurance column 3 twin numbers
This bet type is a bet to place all 3 twin numbers that may appear. Whatever 3 twin numbers appear, then you will win. Payout: 24 to 1 (Your bet will be paid 24 times your original bet)

Example: You put Insurance 3 twin numbers of 100. If the dice that comes out is 6,6,6 then you win by 2400 (payout 24 to 1).

N.B: If the result that comes out is 3 Twin Numbers, then for Big / Small and Odd / Even type bets are declared LOSE.

Example: You put Big and Dice that come out are Twin Numbers 5 (Total 15 / BIG). Then your bet will be declared LOSE.

Quick Tips Guide to Winning Online Joker338 Roulette Gambling Quick Tips Guide to Winning Online Joker338 Roulette Gambling

Discussion About Quick Tips Guide to Winning Online Joker338 Roulette Gambling Roulette Gambling Games is one of the types of games found in casinos in addition to online sicbo listings. This gambling game will be led by a Dealer (dealer) who will spin the “small wheel” in a direction, then proceed to throw a small ball in the opposite direction on a rounded tilted surface which causes the ball to spin and fall on the surface of the wheel on one of 37 (in European roulette) or 38 (in American roulette) colored boxes and numbers on the wheel.

In the Roulette disk, the zero slot is green and the slots numbered from 1 to 36 are divided into 2 colors namely black and red. In addition to the wheels to be provided, there is a place to place bets which are numbered from 0 to 36 with alternating colors namely black and red except 0 (green). The difference is the number wheels are not made sequentially around it. Following below, we will discuss some of the quick tips guide to winning online Joker338 roulette gambling :

♦ How to play Roulette:
• Find a table according to the desired bet amount. Each table will have a plaque that explains the maximum bet and drink on the table, so adjust it to your liking.
• In Roulette, you don’t need any strategy. Only sheer luck is expected here. You certainly have the same chance of winning every round you play.
• It’s time to start your game, you are free to place your coins in boxes or on lines between boxes on the betting table. These coins have different colors with different values.
• The wheel will rotate and the dealer will throw the ball in the opposite direction of the wheel rotation. After the ball stops at a certain number, the dealer will place a marker on the winning number (winning bet pieces). The losing bet will be eliminated first, after that the winners will be paid. The process will be the same in the next round.

Straight Up Bet
Place a bet on one single number (including zero). Installed in the number. If the ball stops exactly with the number you placed, then you win a bet of 35 to 1 or 35 times the original bet.

Example: If you put a Straight Up of 1000, then you will get 35000 if you win.

Split Bet
Placing a bet on a line between two numbers at the same time next to each other, If the ball stops at one of the two numbers placed, then you will win a bet of 17 to 1 or 17 times the original bet.

Example: If you install a Split of 1000, then you will get 17000 if you win.

Street Bet
Place a bet at the end of each number line. Street bet includes 3 numbers. If the ball stops in one of the three numbers in the line that has been placed, then you will win a bet of 11 to 1 or 11 times the original bet.

Example: If you place a Street of 1000, then you will get 11000 if you win.

Corner Bet
Place a bet on one corner where the four numbers meet at once. Corner bet includes 4 numbers. If the ball stops at one of the four numbers that have been placed, then you will win a bet of 8 to 1 or 8 times the original bet.

Example: If you place a Corner of 1000, then you will get 8000 if you win.

Six Line Bet
Place bets on 6 numbers at the same time at the end of two lines at the intersection. Six line bet includes 6 numbers. If the ball stops in one of the six numbers placed, then you will win a bet of 5 to 1 or 5 times the original bet.

Example: If you put a six line of 1000, then you will get 5000 if you win.

Inside Bet column
Place a bet on one of the boxes that says ‘2 to 1’ at the end of the column. This column includes all the numbers in the column, which are 12 numbers (zero not included). If the ball stops at one of the numbers in the column placed, then you will win a bet of 2 to 1 or 2x from the original bet.

Example: If you install a Column Inside of 1000, then you will get 2000 if you win.

Dozen Bet
Place a bet on one of the three boxes that say ‘1 st 12’, ‘2 nd 12’ or ‘3 rd 12’ which includes all the numbers in that column that are 12 numbers for each column. If the ball stops at one of the numbers in the column placed, then you will win a bet of 2 to 1 or 2x from the original bet.

Example: If you install a Dozen of 1000, you will get 2000 if you win.

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Low or High Bet
Place a bet on one of the boxes that says ‘1-18 ′ or ’19 -36’. Here you only need to choose whether you want to put the first 18 digits or the last 18 digits. If the ball stops in one of the numbers in the box that is placed, then you will win a bet of 1 to 1 or 1 times the initial bet.

Example: If you put a Low or high of 1000, then you will get 1000 if you win.

Red or Black Bet
Place a bet on one of the colors namely red and black. Each color includes 18 numbers. If the ball stops at one of the numbers that have the same color as the one placed, then you will win a bet of 1 to 1 or 1 times the original bet.

Example: If you install Red or Black for 1000, then you will get 1000 if you win.

Place a bet on even (even) or odd (Odd) numbers including 18 numbers for each. If the ball stops at the wrong number corresponding to the one placed on the Event or Odd, then you will win a bet of 1 to 1 or 1 times the original bet.

Example: If you put an Even or Odd of 1000, then you will get 1000 if you win.

Please place a bet by placing a minimum bet, and don’t be too ambitious to play more when you are losing. You can try again when it’s fresh, and good luck.

Winning Tricks And The Term Playing Play338 Blackjack Online Winning Tricks And The Term Playing Play338 Blackjack Online

Discussion About Winning Tricks And The Term Playing Play338 Blackjack Online The first thing you need to do is learn about how to do some basic card tips and how to calculate Blackjack Numbers. If you have understood the steps to play so you are ready to try playing immediately into the Online Casino. The following below, we will discuss about some winning tricks and the term playing Play338 blackjack :

➢ 1. Start All Things with the minimum amount of bets where you can try reading the conditions on the table or warming up. This guide applies to Play any Online Casino such as Roulette, Baccarat, Slot Machines, and others

➢ 2. Discard Everything Superstition About Blackjack, Indeed Superstition can make you believe that you can manage something that cannot be controlled. Also, however, in conquering Online Casinos, it takes a real systematic method. Not only by using Ramalam or Talisman Casinos that can make you win.

➢ 3. Practice first by using the Hi-Lo Calculation Method, This game is very easy, however in a very fast game, this work will also be difficult. A balanced calculation system is the most accurate, however it is also the most complicated where this system requires your systematic mental ability to consider the benefits and bet according to the same amount of profits. for further information you can learn about this hi-lo system in the book “Professional BlackJack” made by Wong.

➢ 4. Understand the Play Blackjack Conditions and Benefits in the Player or Dealer section. The meaning of this is that you need to recognize what benefits each side has. where if you have obtained a value of 17 so do not try to add the card again. because it is very fatal if you get an additional card with a value above 5 which will also make you lose later. And we need to be smart to look at the Dealer card where if the Dealer card that is opened for the first time scores a value of 12, then quickly withdraw from that bet. because generally the dealer will also win and get a Top Score of 21.

➢ 5. Play Progressive Losers for example at the beginning you make a bet of Rp. 100,000, and if you lose, double your bet. If you win so repeat with a bet of Rp. 100,000. Basically, every time you lose so double your bet. this can be very tense if you are not lucky (losing 4-6 times in a row), even if you persevere using that method so your chances of losing are very small.

➢ 6. Understand basic opportunities. Doubling Down, Insurance, Splitting, and Surrender are examples of bets that benefit casinos (because they are generally not used intelligently).

➢ 7. Avoid drinking When you play when you are drunk, you will also play poorly. and cannot make you Concentrated in Playing this Blackjack Gambling.

➢ 8. If you want to learn a more in-depth calculation system, determine whether the extra profit of 1 / 2-1% that you will also get is worth the effort (IDR 6,000 to IDR 12,000 per each betting profit of Rp1,000,000.

➢ 9. Some Blackjack games cannot be conquered simply by calculation. Minor regulation changes will also increase / reduce the level of dampactivity of all existing system counts, so find a place to play with the same conditions.

➢ 10. Recognize when you stop, if you have won twice your capital. so stop playing quickly and work on your credit withdrawal. because the more you take too long at the gambling table. so the greater your chance to lose. Because according to the adage that there is revealed that the longer you are at the Casino, the stronger your curiosity and coupled with a sense of greed to win that gambling even though in fact at the end in the end that we will also get only the waiting defeat.

Thus the article that we can present today that discusses about Tips on How to Secret Always Win when playing Blackjack Casino Online. Hopefully it can be useful and can add to your insight about this type of sport.

Also Read : How To Select And Play Arenagaming88 Casino Online

For those who are used to being classified as beginners, they might say that blackjack is not difficult. The reason is because the terms used in this initial two-card gambling game are so few that the bettor doesn’t need more learning when playing online gambling games on the internet. Some of these terms are usually in the form of buttons and menus on the online casino website on the internet. One of the goals of the profit is that it will bring a chance to win money betting.

Beginner betters usually don’t know a few terms in the menu or buttons at online casinos. in blackjack a bettor must be able to understand about it. One of them is an online gambling game on the internet in the hope that many things can be done. As a consideration where for a bettor should always be interesting to be used as one of the reasons or references in an online gambling game in it. One of the advantages in online gambling games where for every player must know the term in depth.

Here are the terms in the blackjack gambling game

The term or button hit is used to take another card. Usually the cards are loaded by the dealer at the gambling table and can be chosen by the bettor. All bettor have the right to take cards or make a hit if it is felt that the total card is still possible to get closer to 21.

Stand positions are taken and betors are not allowed to make hits in the next round. If you have a stand, the bettor usually approaches the number 21 or even has a card with a total value of 21. It does not automatically finish because it is still waiting for one round before everything is finished.

Double down
This is for the process of doubling the bet. Every bettor who does a double down must increase the bet amount by two times or 100 percent. After that he will get one additional card and then he will stop or do a stand.

Split menu to double the bet amount by only one card. So after getting his first card a bettor does a split by raising the bet money twice the initial initial bet money then he gets the second card.

Giving up is the last step if you are very sure that your card has lost. A losing card does not mean a card that exceeds 21 because if it exceeds 21 it automatically loses and has no right to surrender or surrender. With a surrender a bettor will lose half of the bet money.

How To Select And Play Arenagaming88 Casino Online How To Select And Play Arenagaming88 Casino Online

Discussion About How To Select And Play Arenagaming88 Casino Online In choosing an online casino game, it is sometimes difficult and easy. There are many considerations that we should be able to consider well. If you really need the right choice, then you must know the characteristics and advantages of the game in question.

Did you know that there are tons of online casino games that you can play? From the many choices of the game in question, you should be able to select a few or even just one of them. Following below, we will directly discuss some guidelines on how to select and play Arenagaming88 casino online :

• Select Games that are rarely played
Usually a game that is rarely played by many people, it has several advantages compared to the one that is played often or a lot. The most widely played game is usually chosen because it’s easy. If the game is easy, then this will give you ease in playing. If you can play with a busy game, then this will make it easier and possible to be able to get what is wisely considered later. Now if you try against the current, then this will make it very easy and allow you to win big.

• See Reviews from Many People
To find the proof, then you must be able to find information from many sources. At least there is an easy way you can do that is by trying to pay attention and consider about the reviews that have been offered a lot. If there are indeed many reviews that provide a lot of information about the great fortune that can be obtained, then you can try to choose also later. Of the many existing reviews, be sure to choose a game with more positive reviews than the negative reviews actually provided.

• Prove Yourself
The best way is to prove it yourself. In this case, not only can you get huge profits, but more than that you can also get a variety of advantages and other benefits. You can know how difficult the game is whether you can get all the big chances of winning it easily or not. Now by means of proof of your own, you also can later decide whether to continue to play or not. If indeed you have a strong reason, then only then can you get many things wiser again later.

Also Read : Tricks for Playing Super10 Unitedpoker99 Online

When playing casino, there is definitely the thing you want the most. As we all know, this desire is to win a lot and get a jackpot with huge profits. Everyone will want to win when playing casino. Especially at this time many casinos that offer a lot of prizes.

It can even reach tens of millions of rupiah. But the way to win isn’t as easy as you think. Many players have played many times but never won at all. Maybe they didn’t do the casino winning guide correctly or maybe they were out of luck.

• Play Casino To Win Easily
In a casino game you can’t rely on luck alone or just the right strategy. the two must be interconnected. You must be lucky and must use the right strategy. Actually there are lots of strategies you can use, so you can win easily. when you enter a trusted online casino.

There are tons of games that you can play. Every game has different rules. There are roulette games that guess numbers on a circle board, dice games guess the numbers come out, slot games that bet with slot machines and many others.

To win, you must understand all the rules of the game. what category of victory you must achieve. Most of the games at the casino do require high predictions and luck. For example in a roulette game, you only need to guess where the ball will stop.

At what number, odd or even numbers, on the red or black board and many others. then for the dice game, you only need to guess the numbers that come out of the 3 dice that are shaken, luck is very important in this game. By understanding all of these rules the possibility of winning will be even greater,

Casino winning guides must also know how to manage finances well. if you continue to spend money on bets without an accurate estimate. Maybe it’s not the victory you get but instead loses all capital. All professional players always apply this.

They know when it’s time to add bets or stop. They also have the right target. For example, just one day is enough to spend Rp. 300,000. whether it loses or wins, it must stop. So the rest of the capital, you can use in other games or on other days.

Focus on one game. Don’t play many games at one time. Complete one game, then play another game. This will make you more focused and can win easily.

Many novice players like to play in many games, so they can get a big profit. If you use this method, it will actually make you overwhelmed and eventually lose. but to make a decision on online betting, it only takes a few minutes.

If you want to win, don’t ever stop learning. Occasionally play in foreign casinos or enter foreign forums. There you can steal the strategies used by professional players.

Then practiced at a local casino ,. Playing at an international casino will also provide many benefits because the prizes are very large. In the most important casino winning guide, you know your own abilities. Know when to continue the game and when to stop. Know how many bets are placed and know which table to have. That way the chance to win is even greater.

Tricks for Playing Super10 Unitedpoker99 Online Tricks for Playing Super10 Unitedpoker99 Online

Discussion About Tricks for Playing Super10 Unitedpoker99 Online This Super10 game also called Samgong is a simple game that uses playing cards and this game is inspired by the game Samgong or Three Pictures. The difference is that we play Super10 / SuperTen together with other players and there is no dealer / dealer, while the game Samgong, players play with dealer / dealer.

The possibility of winning will be greater and manifest if playing with a mood that is not hot, peaceful and brings enough capital. The following below, we just discuss some of the guidelines for tricks for playing super10 Unitedpoker99 online :

Each player will queue before the first 2 cards are dealt.
Before the game even starts, all players are required to make a bet to start a game called Ante. Without this initial bet, the game will be very boring because no one is required to put money into the pot. The betting round will then start from the last winner, where each player has the option to check, raise / bet or fold.

➢ 1. Check = Player will continue the game without adding any bets.
➢ 2. Raise / Bet = The player will continue the game by adding bets and force each player to be forced to bet (raise / bet) or give up (fold)
➢ 3. Fold = The player will give up and not follow the bets on the table and wait for the next game.

After the third card is opened the first round betting is completed, and another round of betting will begin.


Is a 3-card picture alias alias combination of cards from King, Queen or Jack with a free symbol (Heart, Diamond, Curly, and Diamond)

➢ 2. Super Ten
The combination of 3 cards with a total amount is 10

➢ 3. Value Ten
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 20 and 30 with Q cards Q has a value of 10

➢ 4. Value 9
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 9

➢ 5. Value 8
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 8

➢ 6. Value 7
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 7

➢ 7. Value 6
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 6

➢ 8. Value 5
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 5

➢ 9. Value 4
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 4

➢ 10. Value 3
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 3

➢ 11. Value 2
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 2

➢ 12. Value 1
The combination of 3 cards with a total number of cards is 1

♦ Game Rules Super10
• If the total number of cards consists of 2 digits, the last digit will be taken as the value of the card
• For cards J Q K will have a value of 10
• If there are 2 or more players who have the same card value (highest card value in the round) then the winner will be determined by the player who has the highest card (K – A) and if the highest card is the same then the winner will be determined from the flower / flower from the highest card (Spades / Diamonds, Hearts, Curls and Diamonds).

Also Read : Poker Vaganza Online Gambling Strategy

Super10 is the latest game that plays almost the same way as Samgong. Where the card used is playing cards. Even though I say it’s similar to Sakong’s game, there are striking differences between Super 10 and Samgong.

For those of you who want to be able to win instant fast in this game, here are some steps that must be observed by you and can be applied when playing this game.

♦ Learn the Super 10 Game
The thing that certainly must be done by beginners is to learn the Super 10 game first. You have to know how to play Super 10 and also the rules in the game.

♦ Preparing Capital
The second thing is to prepare sufficient capital. To play, GameGame recommends that you prepare a minimum of 10x the amount of the bet on the table. Because that way you can raise your bet when the cards you hold are good

♦ Playing on a Small Table
For every gambling game, beginners are always advised to play at a small betting table first. So that beginners can learn to play Super 10 and if you lose you don’t lose too much capital.

♦ Bluffing
You can do bluffing if the card you get isn’t good enough. By bluffing you can make your opponents surrender so that you will win the game. But keep in mind, this technique is sometimes not very effective for some players. So be careful when you do bluffing.

♦ Play With Focus
When you play, try to focus because the conditions of your chances of victory depend on the level of your focus. If you have a good focus, then your chances of victory are also greater. Vice versa.

This is our article that discusses some tricks for playing online super10 games that you must understand well before playing the super10 0nline gambling game so that your game is not always about losing.

Poker Vaganza Online Gambling Strategy Poker Vaganza Online Gambling Strategy

Discussion About Poker Vaganza Online Gambling Strategy Perch being a successful online poker player is certainly not an easy thing to do. When we talk about the development of online poker, we are usually focused only on the capabilities of a poker player.

Surely there will also be no connection if you see things smelling with online poker playing tutorials can have a big impact on those of you who want to play poker. Therefore, we will explain the techniques below to be successful when playing online poker gambling.

Successful poker players are aware of one thing that poker is actually a game with a million ups and downs. and a poker player should not waste time on the same thing, if he is stuck somewhere. think again about other ways to increase the chances of his victory.

Try to focus on just one thing that you can handle. Do not be too greedy to control everything, but if you have not been able to, it is the same as killing yourself and lower your chances of victory at the gambling table.

Especially when we have won a fantastic number of bets on the gambling table, https://pokervaganza.com/ try not to be easily satisfied and rearrange strategies that you can improve. but there still needs to be consideration so as not to take the wrong step.

Almost everyone sometimes thinks that poker is a battleground where you, with the people at the gambling table, are enemies fighting for victory. But, the assumption is not entirely true. Because in a game, not knowing the limits and what the game is, the nature of sportsmanship is what we must keep. Winning or losing is normal, but if you are sporting, that victory will come naturally.

Indeed, poker is a game that takes energy, brain and time. However, that does not mean you have to force yourself to stay awake in front of the poker table, you also have to maintain your lifestyle correctly, because we are also human beings and at times can get sick.

There is no other way. To be successful at poker, you have to spend hours. You must stay consistent. A successful poker player knows he will start and finish his game, an unsuccessful person will easily convince himself that he does not need to do it.

One successful poker betting player will use the stop loss or stop win method when absolutely necessary, while others will often use or not use them excessively. Disciplined players will stick to their bankroll management strategies, power through variance and emerge victorious.

Poker is a family card game that shares betting rules and usually (but not always) in hand rank. Poker games differ in how cards are dealt, how hands can be formed, whether high or low hands win bets in battles (in some games, bets are divided between high and low hands), betting limits and how many betting rounds are allowed.

Also Read : Winning Tricks and Causes of Losing Poker Play338 Card Betting

In the most modern poker games, the first round of betting starts with some form of forced contract. The action then proceeds to the left. Each player in turn must either match the previous maximum or fold bet, lose the amount of the bet so far and all further interest in the hand. A player who matches a bet can also increase, increasing the bet. The betting round ends when all players have either matched the last bet or folded.

If all but one player folds on each round, the remaining players collect their bets and can choose to show or hide their hands. If more than one player remains in the fight after the final betting round, the hand will be displayed and the winning hand takes the bet. Following below, we will directly discuss the powerful strategy to play online Poker Vaganza gambling :

➢ 1. Choose the right table / room according to the skill you have and the sufficient number of chips:
Don’t play into the game with a higher bet just because you win a round easily. Better to be the best player in the table / room than your chips are reduced and even run out in other rooms.

➢ 2. Play patiently and wait for a good card:
In playing poker not only skills are needed, patience in playing is also needed. Therefore we must wait for the moment when we have to do Allin with the card in our hands.

➢ 3. Don’t depend on high cards:
If in playing a pair of cards in your hand are always small cards, you can try to follow the round of the game. Because a large card in the hand does not necessarily guarantee victory if the card we hold does not combine with 5 (five) cards that come out on the table / table.

➢ 4. Don’t play when you are angry / emotional:
You will not play your best way if you think emotionally rather than rationally. Take a moment to calm down, otherwise this will be very risky for you. Because other players can take advantage of this situation and get profit from you.

➢ 5. Always ready to close your card / FOLD:
Don’t feel like you have to follow every round of the game on the card in your hand, because your ballance / chips could be used up because you always follow the game round. If the cards in your hand are not good (bad) you should not take the round, no matter how many pots / bets you have in that round.

➢ 6. Believe in your own abilities:
Here you will be tested your ability to play, if you play see / be surrounded by many people around you. You better believe in yourself and your feelings, although sometimes the words of those around you are true. But here the one playing is you are not the person who is in your arms, remain in your stance with the card that you hold at the time.

➢ 7. Always be humble and accept defeat:
keep a good attitude if you win a bet and accept defeat in the field if you lose the battle for defense.

So some surefire tips on Playing Poker Online from Mimin, hopefully it can be useful. Thank you for visiting and reading the article. Enjoy playing and good luck.

Winning Tricks and Causes of Losing Poker Play338 Card Betting Winning Tricks and Causes of Losing Poker Play338 Card Betting

Discussion About Winning Tricks and Causes of Losing Poker Play338 Card Betting With many interested people or many fans starting to ask the question why this game is so popular ?. If you want to know the answer, the answer is quite simple.

Poker Gambling is not only profitable but it can also make the players feel happy despite being hit by problems. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised if poker has many fans.

Yes, for a reason many people like to play poker because this game will make you feel a lot of sensations and experiences that are truly extraordinary. Therefore, poker games that are played offline or online are common if you have a lot of fans.

In playing poker, you certainly need tricks or methods that can be used to win. Indeed it is undeniable that the game of poker does indeed make the players excited.

In addition, poker games also provide financial benefits that can be obtained through cheating without getting caught by the poker agent.

What is meant by cheating is a method that can be accepted by logic. There is an easy way to play cheats that can increase the chances of a big victory. This method is done with the aim of avoiding a crushing defeat. The following below, we just discuss some of the winning tricks and causes of losing Poker Play338 card betting :

• Use Different Vpn
When you register, use a different computer or smartphone to register an IP address.

• Has several different Game IDs
You must create 3 or more accounts and use a different account. You can borrow accounts from your relatives or friends.

• Play in groups
If you play at a table of 8 people, it means you have to play 4 accounts at the same time, so your winnings will be greater.

• Master the combination of cards
Mastering how to combine cards is the most important point for poker players.

• Play at agents with a lot of bonuses
If you play poker at an agent that has a lot of bonuses, you will get tons of benefits that can be very helpful for winning. Therefore, of course someone who plays in an agent who has a lot of bonuses will be more profitable and a very appropriate choice for the players.

Play with friend
This method is often done by bettor. In doing this method, surely you will more easily do a more in-depth analysis in doing this game. That way, you will be easier to win if you play with your friends.

• Don’t focus on one type of combination
This is done so that you can use various combinations that you already know. If you use more combinations, you can get more profit. If you only make one combination, you only have a small chance of winning. And that can make you suffer losses.

• Frequent rise of cards, so that opponents doubt
Similarly, a review of how to cheat that can be done in playing poker. If you want to try, pay attention to the right way so the results are satisfying.

By applying the 8 methods above, you can get a decent win, but for card games as well as getting good luck because for the cards themselves are scrambled shared by the dealer.

But at least you can get a few cheats beforehand to get the slight profit doubled. If you are interested in playing online poker gambling games, please immediately register with one of the world’s online poker agents, happy playing, and good luck.

When you want to play online poker gambling games, every player for beginners will always be looking for information about how to win big amounts when betting poker. But it is very difficult to find the right strategy in order to win poker, and therefore you can start from things that should be avoided when playing poker online.

Because in online poker games there is still no truth that is so certain. And of course it will be difficult to use techniques that can be used forever. And from this article we will explain how and what should be avoided when playing online poker. The following explanation.

• Play by relying on Hockey
Always there must be a game affected by luck or luck. A factor that cannot be reached by your mind. Can’t be invited, can’t be relied on. Hockey and Luck come without action, for that to play by relying on luck or luck is certainly very risky. Maybe yesterday you were lucky and won a lot, but today you can be stale and lose a lot. Actually your play style is still the same as before.

• Often Rely on the Same Card
Getting a type card is a good thing. in order to determine if you want to play it, you should not decide just because your card is of the same type. The first two things that must be considered, namely the value of the card and not the pair.

Also Read : Game Play338 Ceme and its Jackpot

• Imitate Other Player’s Style
You should play to adjust to yourself, because poker will reflect behavior. If you are the type that often acts carelessly it will certainly result in carelessness too. And let others use their style, you just have to show your own style.

• Play while Emotions
Certainly will never lose, accepting an annoying situation. And of course you will experience with people who like to disturb other players, generally from words and other techniques. It is better you still do not care, avoid fishing or emotions. If that happens, you should just move to another table.

• Not Using Pot Odds
Avoid using pot odds to determine the maximum call or bet you can make to catch the drawing of a card to raise your hand. these techniques can help you to make the right decision. But now rarely successful beginners to use this technique.

• Play with more than Bankroll
These types of players are on average quite brave when playing past bankroll rules, most of those who do this are players who are too reckless and want to always quickly get a lot of chips, but instead will lose because playing too passionate. This one player playing strategy is generally generally in a hurry and you should avoid this way of playing because it will only cause stress and frustration and cannot even enjoy the game.

• Do not Know the Deadline
When in the online poker game, it seems that the more you play cards, the more you can experience defeat. You don’t need to be hard to chase victory, basically if you win just once but the amount is not small, then it’s better right? A greedy will to win multiplied can trigger you to play each round of cards. This is a pretty risky thing, it’s good if you are disciplined using a scratch card that you can continue and when you have to Fold.

Make sure you have avoided playing as we have summarized above, to minimize defeat. And you can play with ease, and if you lose please move to another table. Have fun playing, and good luck.

Game Play338 Ceme and its Jackpot Game Play338 Ceme and its Jackpot

Discussion About Game Play338 Ceme and its Jackpot This gambling game is one of the development of a game that uses dominoes. Ceme game is actually very similar to the type of domino qiu qiu game, but the similarity is that thiseme game uses only 2 cards and also the card with the highest combination is the winner. Following below, we will directly discuss about game Play338 ceme and its jackpot :

Ceme card game has started to be popular and is also facilitated by online poker dealers, where anyone who plays ceme will alternately become a dealer and a player.

But to become a dealer you must meet the minimum number of chips required to become a dealer. We just look for a table that is currently empty city, then immediately take the chair city.

Thiseme gambling card can be played by 2 to 8 players with the rule that there must be one of them who becomes a dealer. If there is no city, the game will not start.

Each player is given 2 cards, then the players will be given the opportunity to choose the card that has been given by the dealer. When finished, new players are welcome to show the results of their cards to all players.

If there is a comparison between the city card and the player card, whichever gets the highest score wins the bet.

We must count the number of dots on the two cards we already have. The number of round marks on the left side and also the right side ,. In the game ceme or commonly called the city of ceme there are principles of the rules:
• If the total circle mark on both cards is more than> 9, then the card value is reduced by 10.
• If the total circle mark on both cards is more than> 19, then the card value is reduced by 20

• How to Determine the Winner:
If the number of player cards is greater than the dealer, the dealer will pay the player’s bet for the bet the player has placed.

If the number of card combinations from the bookie is greater than the player, the Agent will get as much money as the bet the player has placed.

The agent will also win if the value of the existing cards in the city with the player is the same. Playing as a dealer or as a player has its advantages and disadvantages. When playing as a bookie you can also lose money if there are many players at the table and also often have a card value above the bookie card. If we are players, then we must try our cards above the bookie value.

If the Player gets the kiu (9) and the bookie card below the kiu (9) the dealer will pay the player twice the amount the player has bet. For example, if a Player installs 10,000, the dealer must also pay 20,000 players.

Jackpot in the gameeme can be obtained from special cards. To get the jackpot, there must be a combination of 4 cards, so that what is used is two player cards, plus two bookie cards. To get the jackpot, each player is also required to buy the jackpot first.

If we are positioned as a dealer and want to get a jackpot, then we have to buy a jackpot for each player (including ourselves). We will indeed pay more, but the possibility to get a jackpot is also greater. If we position as a player, we only need to buy the jackpot for ourselves.

Note: If the card that appears between the player and the dealer matches one of the special card combinations in the following example, the jackpot will be given to the player or dealer who bought the jackpot in that round. The following is an example of a card combination for getting a jackpot:

• Six Gods (6666).
Only 4 of the 28 dominoes have six dots on it. Players and dealers must have this combination of cards.

• Balak (Twin Series).
The top and bottom sides have the same number of points (logs), including blank. Players and dealers must have 2 of each of these card combinations.

• Great Pure.
The combination of our cards with the dealer will be called a pure big card if the cards we have are worth from 39 to 43. For example in the picture below, the cards owned by the player and the dealer are 6/6, 4/4, 5/5 and 5 / 6, with a total value of 12 + 8 + 10 + 11 = 41.

• Small Pure.
Next is a combination of pure small cards. The combination of our cards with the dealer will be called pure small if the value is between 5 to 9. For example in the picture below, the cards owned by the player and the dealer are 0/0, 0/1, 0/2 and 0/3, with a total value 6

The ceme jackpot that can be obtained has the following details:

• Six God x 6666 the price of the jackpot we bought.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 6666 = 6,666,000)

• Balak (Twins) x 200 the price of the jackpot we buy.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 200 = 200,000)

• Pure Big x 50 the price of the jackpot we buy.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 50 = 50,000)

• Pure Small x 50 the price of the jackpot we buy.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 50 = 50,000)