The Various Types Of The Best Fighting Cocks

Discussion About The Various Types Of The Best Fighting Cocks Culture for cockfighting is an ancestral culture in Indonesia, many of our ancestors have practiced this tradition from time immemorial.
Having a guang chicken that gaco can be a special satisfaction, especially if you maintain the chicken from the ingredients and you train it to be extraordinarily strong chicken.
Unfortunately there are still many players who use these fighting chickens as a means of gambling, in Indonesia alone cockfighting or chicken gambling is included in the crime.
Currently the most popular Aduan chicken is the Bangkok Chicken, but in fact many other types of Aduan chicken are no less popular.
Their uniqueness and ability is no less than Bangkok’s Chicken. Most come from Asian countries such as Thailand, Burma, Brazil, Vietnam and Japan. Following below, we will discuss the various types of the best fighting cocks :
Bangkok Chicken
Occupying the first position of other types of chickens Complaints are Bangkok chickens originating from Thailand. First introduced by many cockfighting players in Tuban, East Java. Yep, this chicken is the most familiar in the ears of the Indonesian people, especially among fans of the Chicken Aduan.
Bangkok chicken is not like other chickens, the spread of chickens is very fast, in Indonesia it is very easy to find a Bangkok chicken. In addition, the price of bangkok chicken is not too high like other types of grievances except for bangkok jawara or have achievements, the price of bangkok jawara chicken is higher than usual.
Brazilian Chicken
As the name implies, this chicken originated from Brazil, its popularity is quite high. This chicken is one of the descendants of Shamo chickens originating from Japan, then with time the chicken was then bred in the South American Archipelago.
Bangkok Chicken is known as a true complaint, not only fast and strong on the fighting arena, Bangkok chicken is also considered the most brain or smartest chicken when in the battle arena in terms of finding effective ways to knock down opponents.
This chicken has a distinctive feather color that is yellowish brown. From the shape of the chicken posture is almost the same as a pelung chicken that has a big tall body.
This type of Brazilian chicken is famous for its agile and intelligent fighting style. Chicken lovers in Indonesia are willing to spend money to have Brazilian chickens. Not only good at dancing on the cockfighting arena, but also good at flinging opponents with an unexpected blow speed.
Burmese Chicken
Burmese chicken or Burmese chicken is a type of complaint chicken originating from Myanmar. Also known as a true complaint chicken that does not know fear. When fighting, the Burmese Chicken have an extraordinary passion to win the fight. Has a fighting style that is so offensive and Full Attack, attacking and attacking directly at the opponent.
His Full Attack fighting style is accompanied by a high accuracy of punch which makes this chicken a Full Speed chicken. However, the shape and size of a small Burmese chicken 2 -2.5 kg, the bones are also small and thin. It’s incomplete if you don’t have a rooster from Brazil as one of the valuable collections.
Bulging eyes, smaller beak, less muscular face and body. Fur color is generally the color of undercooked maturity. Body more feathers, thick and long wing feathers. 100% authentic Burmese chickens still have white markings on their ears, as proof that these chickens are wild chickens.
Also Read : The Best Way To Train Bangkok Fighters
Chicken Shamo
Chicken Shamo originates from Japan, also known by the nickname “Mini Ninja from Japan”. So called because the shamo chicken is known as a fast moving chicken and has an extremely accurate punch about its opponent and deadly.
Although in the nickname of the Ninja Mini, don’t be fooled, compared to other grievances, Shamo’s most athletic physical form, a tall, well-built posture can hold up to 95 degrees when standing.
Not infrequently these chickens are able to have a weight of 4-7 kg, making it Complaints with the heaviest posture and can only be matched with chickens of the same size.
Physical characteristics: have a triple comb (walnutcomb), bright eyes, large beak and strong. The wing tips are slightly out of the body, the wing joints are clearly pointing upward, the muscular thighs are strong and clearly visible.
Bulging shoulders and short strong wings pointing down. Red skin on the chest that does not have much hair and has a broad chest.
Horizontal tail line, in the direction of the back or between the back lines. The color of the calf hair is yellow or yellow with black patches for chickens with black domination. Weight of male chickens around 5.6 kg and females around 4.8 kg.
Balinese Chicken
Balinese chicken is also known as Olagan chicken. This chicken comes from the island of Bali. The male can be raised to be used as a fighting cock.
Whereas hens can be used as egg producers with high egg production. According to information, this Balinese chicken male is less formidable in complaints, often if he has been hit by an opponent he often evades as he will run away.
But the blow is not inferior to fighting chickens like Bangkok chicken and Burma chicken. The advantage of Balinese / Olagan chickens is that they are more resistant to disease than native chickens.
For now the Bali chicken population is reported to continue to decline this is due to Balinese citizens not using it for use in offering ceremonies, so it is rarely maintained.
Ciparage Chicken
Ciparage chicken is a native Indonesian Aduan chicken which originates from the Cimalaya village, Ciparage Karawang, it is said that this chicken is a breed of chicken from the Duke of Singapore that is usually made by Aduan chickens in the 17th century kingdom.
However, this chicken has been very difficult to find or endangered, as a result the Rooster chickens that developed in Indonesia were replaced with Bangkok chickens from Thailand.
The original color of this type of chicken is not much different from Bangkok chicken consisting of yellow (golden), black, brown, white.
Formerly this type of chicken is famous as a tough chicken in the arena of complaint. High posture, slender with strong legs and spikes sticking out pointed, awkward knock down the opponent in a relatively short time.
Characteristics of Ciparage chickens: Body size is smaller than Bangkok chicken weighing around 2.5 kg. Single comb, blades, small, pale red jagged. Pair of wattles and small ear lobes with a pale red color too. Round head. The eyes protruded slightly, sharp fiery.
Short beak, sturdy, pale yellow color. Chest field with short and hard body hair. Strong wing bones, stick tight to the body. Curved long tail feathers. Feet slightly curved, yellowish white.
Pale yellow soles. Large long, curved spurs, sharp yellowish white. Its very aggressive. Produces eggs 10-14 eggs per period.