Discussion About Game Play338 Ceme and its Jackpot This gambling game is one of the development of a game that uses dominoes. Ceme game is actually very similar to the type of domino qiu qiu game, but the similarity is that thiseme game uses only 2 cards and also the card with the highest combination is the winner. Following below, we will directly discuss about game Play338 ceme and its jackpot :
Ceme card game has started to be popular and is also facilitated by online poker dealers, where anyone who plays ceme will alternately become a dealer and a player.
But to become a dealer you must meet the minimum number of chips required to become a dealer. We just look for a table that is currently empty city, then immediately take the chair city.
Thiseme gambling card can be played by 2 to 8 players with the rule that there must be one of them who becomes a dealer. If there is no city, the game will not start.
Each player is given 2 cards, then the players will be given the opportunity to choose the card that has been given by the dealer. When finished, new players are welcome to show the results of their cards to all players.
If there is a comparison between the city card and the player card, whichever gets the highest score wins the bet.
We must count the number of dots on the two cards we already have. The number of round marks on the left side and also the right side ,. In the game ceme or commonly called the city of ceme there are principles of the rules:
• If the total circle mark on both cards is more than> 9, then the card value is reduced by 10.
• If the total circle mark on both cards is more than> 19, then the card value is reduced by 20
• How to Determine the Winner:
If the number of player cards is greater than the dealer, the dealer will pay the player’s bet for the bet the player has placed.
If the number of card combinations from the bookie is greater than the player, the Agent will get as much money as the bet the player has placed.
The agent will also win if the value of the existing cards in the city with the player is the same. Playing as a dealer or as a player has its advantages and disadvantages. When playing as a bookie you can also lose money if there are many players at the table and also often have a card value above the bookie card. If we are players, then we must try our cards above the bookie value.
If the Player gets the kiu (9) and the bookie card below the kiu (9) the dealer will pay the player twice the amount the player has bet. For example, if a Player installs 10,000, the dealer must also pay 20,000 players.
Jackpot in the gameeme can be obtained from special cards. To get the jackpot, there must be a combination of 4 cards, so that what is used is two player cards, plus two bookie cards. To get the jackpot, each player is also required to buy the jackpot first.
If we are positioned as a dealer and want to get a jackpot, then we have to buy a jackpot for each player (including ourselves). We will indeed pay more, but the possibility to get a jackpot is also greater. If we position as a player, we only need to buy the jackpot for ourselves.
Note: If the card that appears between the player and the dealer matches one of the special card combinations in the following example, the jackpot will be given to the player or dealer who bought the jackpot in that round. The following is an example of a card combination for getting a jackpot:
• Six Gods (6666).
Only 4 of the 28 dominoes have six dots on it. Players and dealers must have this combination of cards.
• Balak (Twin Series).
The top and bottom sides have the same number of points (logs), including blank. Players and dealers must have 2 of each of these card combinations.
• Great Pure.
The combination of our cards with the dealer will be called a pure big card if the cards we have are worth from 39 to 43. For example in the picture below, the cards owned by the player and the dealer are 6/6, 4/4, 5/5 and 5 / 6, with a total value of 12 + 8 + 10 + 11 = 41.
• Small Pure.
Next is a combination of pure small cards. The combination of our cards with the dealer will be called pure small if the value is between 5 to 9. For example in the picture below, the cards owned by the player and the dealer are 0/0, 0/1, 0/2 and 0/3, with a total value 6
The ceme jackpot that can be obtained has the following details:
• Six God x 6666 the price of the jackpot we bought.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 6666 = 6,666,000)
• Balak (Twins) x 200 the price of the jackpot we buy.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 200 = 200,000)
• Pure Big x 50 the price of the jackpot we buy.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 50 = 50,000)
• Pure Small x 50 the price of the jackpot we buy.
(example: we buy 1000, then: 1000 X 50 = 50,000)