paris history museum

This is a List of History Museums in Solo – Nowadays there are more and more museums that can be visited easily, museums are not only about history but also many contain places that are very rarely encountered by many people who are happy to know what is in there and also have a lot of great value. can be taken as a lesson. Museums are a means of learning about culture and history. In Solo, there are several museums that can be visited to learn or just to see the origins of a culture. These museums are full of education. The following museums must be visited when in Solo.

This is a List of History Museums in Solo

1. Radya Pustaka Museum
Radya Pustaka Museum is a museum sayingszone  that contains objects of past cultural relics such as wayang, masks, a set of gamelan, books, manuscripts, and so on.

This museum was built during the reign of Pakubuwono IX by Kanjeng Raden Adipati Sosrodiningrat IV. This museum had moved locations at the beginning of its existence until finally moved to its current location, namely on Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 275, Sriwedari, District, Laweyan, Surakarta City, Central Java.

2. Archipelago Keris Museum
The Keris Museum is a museum that stores thousands of kris from various parts of the country. We can find a large collection of kris here. This museum has four floors.

Not only that, the museum is also equipped with information about its history, how to make it, and what a keris is used for. This museum is located in the center of Solo city.

The public entrance ticket is only around Rp. 7,500 for the public. The location is located on Jl. Bhayangkara No. 2, Sriwedari, Kec. Laweyan, Surakarta City, Central Java.

3. Lokananta Museum
Lokananta Museum is a museum that plays an important role in the history of music in Indonesia. This museum was once a music recording studio and was also used for printing and duplicating LPs.

One of the important objects found in Lokananta is the original disc recording of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, which was created by W. R. Supratman. In this museum there are also old music recordings, a large collection of cassettes, LPs, and players.

You only need to pay IDR 25,000 to be able to explore the history of Indonesian music in this museum. The location is on Jl. A. Yani No. 379, Kerten, Kec. Laweyan, Surakarta City, Central Java.

4. National Press Monument Museum
The National Press Monument Museum is a place to store the history of treatment in Indonesia. Inaugurated on February 9, 1978, this museum contains the development of the world of journalism from time to time. Starting from the Dutch East Indies era to the present. Not only that, the development of world journalism is also here.

There is a diorama in this museum. Diorama itself is a small view presentation that is formed to get a picture of an environment. In addition, there are statues of press figures in Indonesia.

If you want to learn more, here is also a library that has a lot of literature on world knowledge. Admission to the National Press Monument is free. We only need to register our personal data at the registration desk.